Role of Mg-B-O Nanostructural Inhomogenities On the Performance of Superconducting MgB2

pages 156-161
PRIKHNA Tatiana, EISTERER Michael, GAWALEK Wolfgang, SOKOLOVSKY Vladimir, KOZYREV Artem, MOSHCHIL Victor, WEBER Harald W., DUB Sergey, CHAUD Xavier, KOVYLAEV Valeriy, SVERDUN Vladimir, KARPETS Myroslav, BASYUK Tatiana, SERGIENKO Nina, SERBENYUK Tatiana
Abstract | € 45,00

Microwave Measurements of Surface Resistance and Complex Conductivity of NdBaCuO Films

pages 162-168
Janina Mazierska, Kenneth Leong, Dimitri Ledenyov, Adam Rains, Nina Zuchowski, Jerzy Krupka
Abstract | € 45,00

Critical current density and pinning energy of partial melted Sm-based superconductor

pages 169-174
Hiroya IMAO
Abstract | € 45,00

Critical current of Bi-2212 single crystal by doping oxides as a pinning center

pages 175-180
Takuya AGOU, Hiroya IMAO
Abstract | € 45,00

High critical currents in single grain YBa2Cu3Oy bulk superconductors produced by infiltration-growth

pages 181-185
Kenta Nakazato, Miryala Muralidhar, Kazuo Inoue, Michael R Koblischka, Masato Murakami
Abstract | € 45,00

Development of Density Functional Theory for Plasmon-assisted Superconductivity

pages 186-195
Ryotaro Arita, Ryosuke Akashi
Abstract | € 45,00

Fabrication of MgB2 bulk magnets with high critical currents

pages 196-201
Miryala Muralidhar, Kazuo Inoue, Michael R Koblischka, Masato Murakami
Abstract | € 45,00

New Measurements Of The Transition To The Normal State Induced By High Current Densities In High-Tc Superconductor Microbridges Under Thermal Smallness Conditions

pages 202-206
J.M. Doval, J. Maza, C. Torron, J.A. Veira, M. Tello, F. Vidal
Abstract | € 45,00
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